Zuda Comics has a complex system for its contest. It isn't all votes -- there are other things that go into determining which comic is doing best. Basically, there are five of them:
- Votes
- Favorites
- Ratings
- Messages on the Message Board
- Page Views
Adding Night at the Western as a favorite is the next big step to do that, look for the little red square with a + in it, in that upper right-hand box. I've circled it for you here:
Once you've done that, you can then rate us, by sliding up to the number of stars you want to give us in the gadget I've circled here:
But don't leave yet! Before you go, scroll down to the bottom of the page and leave us a message. I've circled the box where you do this here. Activity on our message boards gives up points, and generates buzz -- which is what we need to win!
And page views -- well, that one's easy. Show us to your friends! We want lots of people to see Night at the Western so they can decide for themselves whether we're worthy of continuing at Zuda. And come back and give us another read! You may catch something you missed the first time around!
And if you are a real fanatic, you can go here and collect our widget to add to your blog or web page.